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What is BubbleWS?

What is BubbleWS

BubbleWS is a website owned by BubbleWS L.L.C.
In this site we can earn money and make friends at the same time by just writing articles.
You only need 400 characters or 400 letters or more to post there.

Each Like, Comment, View , Share, is equivalent to 1 centavo.
So if a person Liked and Viewed your post, that's 2 centavos.
The money we're talking about it is DOLLARS.

Don't worry if you think that 1 centavo is very small, because i earned 5 dollars
on my first day there and i just consumed 4 hours of my life.

Submitting posts can be categorized to different genre. There's Anime , Music , Movies and more.
But, there are rules you must follow in order to receive payment from them. You can check the rules
in the Bank 

BubbleWS is very strict to their rules. They will find and find a way to ban you or delete your account.
But that is not bad. They made rules to be followed and if you break them by posting articles
against their rules is not what they like to pay for.
So be careful.

There are more things you need to know and have about BubbleWS. 
Check my BubbleWS posts step by step.